Learn Bass Guitar The Simple Way

If you have struggled in the past to learn bass guitar then you will delighted to know that there is an easy way. With so much information to take it often even the thought of learning bass can be enough to put you off from starting in the first place.

Once of the quickest and easiest ways to learn bass guitar is finding a teacher or coach who can help you to make progress quickly. This can either be a bass teacher that you can find in the yellow pages to you can find an online bass teacher. Either way it's important to find someone who can show you how to learn bass guitar in a simple and easy to understand manner.

One of the huge advantages of an online bass coach or teacher is that you can get your questions answered much more quickly. With a traditional teacher you have to usually wait a week between your lessons before you can get any help. With an online teacher you can send an email asking your questions or explaining your problem and get a much faster response.

The other advantages with studying bass online are that you have videos to watch. These make it convenience to learn bass as you can watch them when it suits you. You also have the added advantage of being able to re-watch the videos over and over until you gain the skills you need.

Bass Guitar Notes On The Bass Clef

This video shows in 60 seconds how to read the bass guitar notes on the bass clef. It is a really simple and easy to follow quick lesson.

Here is a diagram with the bass guitar notes for your reference.

Taking a few minutes each day to practise your reading is really important. One of the best ways is to just look at some sheet music and practise by starting at the first note and saying it out loud and then working your way through the piece of music.

If you make a mistake or hesitate too long then start again. Very quickly you will be able to recognise the bass guitar notes with ease. I hope this quick overview helps!